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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

How will immigration shape the US presidential election?

What are the positions of the two United States presidential nominees on immigration and is it a make-or-break topic on who will next sit in the White House?
The Democrat’s Kamala Harris says she wants to fix a broken system.
But Republican nominee Donald Trump says she is not up to the task, and says his strong stance and plan to carry out mass deportations is what is best for America.
Is immigration policy a deciding factor for many Americans?
What is the difference between the two candidates’ policies? And how important is the migrant workforce to the US economy?
Presenter: Adrian Finighan
Arshad Hasan – Democratic political strategist and founder of Convey Communications
Alexandra Miller – Interim CEO at Vecina, a nonprofit corporation that seeks to empower immigrant justice advocates
Patrick Mara – Chairman of the Washington Republican Party
